Home      Services We Offer
  • Management Reporting
  • Budgeting
  • P&L and Cashflow Forecasting
  • Customer Level Reporting
  • Decision Support Analytics
  • Scenario Modelling and Sensitivity Analysis
  • Commission Scheme Structuring

Services We Offer

We offer a wide range of commercial accounting services to meet your needs. These include:
  • Management Reporting
Your business may be able to produce monthly accounts, but are you using the information within them to your advantage? We can help to analyse trends in your results and set up key performance indicators (KPIs) - which can be financial or non-financial - to help you keep the business on track.
  • Budgeting
How extensive is your budgeting process? Is it a "finger in the air" estimate made by management? Do you involve your operational staff in it, to incorporate truly the challenges felt by them in the marketplace? A good budget process will include elements of both 'top down' and 'bottom up' budgeting, and will set a challenging, but not unreachable target, to the business (a budget too tough is a huge disincentive to staff). It will also identify resource needs for the coming year, and identify potential cost savings. We have extensive experience in setting up budget processes, and working with operations and management to arrive at appropriate targets. Please get in touch if you require our expertise in this area.
  • P&L and Cashflow Forecasting
As necessary as it is to budget thoroughly, that budget will soon be out of date, as internal and external factors impact on your business on a daily basis. It is important to continue to forecast your results as things change, and come up with gap fill measures to attempt to make up any shortfall to budget. It is even more imperative to ensure that you don't run out of cash - we can help you to forecast your expected cash inflows and outflows to help you plan necessary payments and expenditure and determine whether you can grow or should consolidate your business.
  • Customer Level Reporting
Who are your most important customers? We can help analyse your financial data to determine your biggest clients by revenue, by geographical area, by revenue stream, by time period, the possibilities are endless - but rather than providing "paralysis by analysis" we'll focus on the ones that matter to your business. You may have unconsciously neglected a key client, or paid too much attention to ones that don't do much business with you - by analysing your results in detail we'll be able to pick up on these key trends.
  • Decision Support Analytics
You may have the opportunity to do a significant deal with a key, or new, customer. Great - but is it going to be the right deal for you? It may bring in plenty of extra revenue, but will it erode your margins? We can provide decision support analytics to help you better forecast whether that big deal, or new product launch, is going to kick start your business, or make it bleed cash.
  • Scenario Modelling and Sensitivity Analysis
This can sometimes go hand in hand with decision support - scenario modelling will allow us to put a range of inputs into a financial model to determine best and worst case scenarios for your big deal or product launch. However, they can also be used on your day to day business - for example, you may be a large importer or exporter, and therefore at the whim of fluctuations in the AUD. We can help to forecast what impact a change in either an external or internal factor will have on your profits.
  • Commission Schemes
Are your sales team incentivised appropriately? Do you find that you have high staff turnover within sales, with them moving to your competitors? Or perhaps your commission spend is spiralling out of control, which may indicate that the sales team have worked out the best behaviour to make it work for them financially, to the detriment of the company's results! If any of these scenarios ring a bell, we can help you to design and implement a new commission scheme that both incentivises your staff and helps you to maintain or increase your margins.

If your business has a need for one of the above, or a similar piece of financial analysis that you think we may be able to help with, please contact us today at
First Steps Consulting
26 Wilga Street 
Concord West  NSW  2138
Mobile: 0401 945 465

ABN 53 162 183 431
 Copyright First Steps Consulting (ABN 53 162 183 431) © 2013